Cluster 1 - Santé
Comme l’ensemble du pilier II d’Horizon Europe, les appels du cluster 1 « Santé » doivent participer à la recherche de solutions pour résoudre les nombreux défis auxquels l’Union européenne est confrontée, et améliorer la compétitivité de l’industrie européenne.
Les domaines d’intervention du cluster « Santé » sont les suivants :
- santé tout au long de la vie ;
- déterminants en matière de santé environnementale et sociale ;
- maladies rares et non transmissibles ;
- maladies infectieuses, y compris les maladies liées à la pauvreté et les maladies négligées ;
- outils, technologies et solutions numériques pour la santé et les soins, y compris la médecine personnalisée ;
- systèmes de soins de santé.
Appels ouverts
Identifiant | Sujet | Type | Date d’ouverture | Date de clôture |
Develop and refine outcome indicators to measure progress on climate resilience at national, regional and local levels, including knowledge and feedback developed from the Mission
Research and Innovation Actions | 24/04/2024 |
18/09/2024 |
Bringing available and actionable solutions for climate adaptation to the knowledge of the regions and local authorities
Coordination and Support Actions | 24/04/2024 |
18/09/2024 |
Accessible and affordable tests to advance early detection of heritable cancers in European regions
Innovation Actions | 18/04/2024 |
18/09/2024 |
Demonstration of solutions specifically suited to rural areas and small/ medium size population local communities
Innovation Actions | 24/04/2024 |
18/09/2024 |
Bringing together the national level with the engaged regional and local levels (multi-level governance)
Coordination and Support Actions | 24/04/2024 |
18/09/2024 |
Improve design for transformative approaches and build local capacity for implementation of available solutions focused on climate adaptation
Research and Innovation Actions | 24/04/2024 |
18/09/2024 |
Improving the understanding and management of late-effects in adolescents and young adults (AYA) with cancer
Research and Innovation Actions | 18/04/2024 |
18/09/2024 |
Research the complex interplay between the climate and biodiversity crises towards more systemic approaches and solutions
Research and Innovation Actions | 24/04/2024 |
18/09/2024 |
Use cases for the research data platform
Research and Innovation Actions | 18/04/2024 |
18/09/2024 |
Support a pragmatic clinical trial programme by cancer charities
Coordination and Support Actions | 18/04/2024 |
18/09/2024 |
Support dialogue towards the development of national cancer data nodes
Coordination and Support Actions | 18/04/2024 |
18/09/2024 |
An information portal for the European Cancer Patient Digital Centre
Innovation Actions | 18/04/2024 |
18/09/2024 |
Demonstration of approaches by regions and local authorities focused on increasing climate resilience of the most vulnerable social groups (just climate resilience)
Innovation Actions | 24/04/2024 |
18/09/2024 |
Systemic and cross-sectoral solutions for climate resilience, tailored to the local needs of regions and local authorities
Innovation Actions | 24/04/2024 |
18/09/2024 |
Demonstration of approaches to improve bankability of solutions by design, addressing the co-benefits (mitigation and adaptation) to improve revenues streams
Innovation Actions | 24/04/2024 |
18/09/2024 |
HORIZON-MISS-2024-NEB-01-02 |
New governance models for the co-design and co-construction of public spaces in neighbourhoods by communities
Innovation Actions | 06/05/2024 |
18/09/2024 |
HORIZON-MISS-2024-NEB-01-01 |
Exploiting the potential of secondary bio-based products
Research and Innovation Actions | 06/05/2024 |
18/09/2024 |
HORIZON-MISS-2024-NEB-01-03 |
Setting up a New European Bauhaus hub for results and impact
Coordination and Support Actions | 06/05/2024 |
18/09/2024 |
Framework Partnership Agreement for a European Networked Catalyst Fund for Social Innovation in Support of the Missions
Framework Partnership Agreement for a European Networked Catalyst Fund for Social Innovation in Support of the Missions | 17/04/2024 |
24/09/2024 |
A European Social Innovation Advisory Network in support of EU Mission Objectives
Coordination and Support Actions | 17/04/2024 |
24/09/2024 |
European Partnership: One Health Anti-Microbial Resistance
European Partnership: One Health Anti-Microbial Resistance | 25/04/2024 |
25/09/2024 |
Experimental local action for EU missions: knowledge institutions as focal points of transdisciplinary research and innovation activities with European outreach
Research and Innovation Actions | 15/05/2024 |
25/09/2024 |
HORIZON-JU-IHI-2024-08-02-two-stage |
Novel Endpoints for Osteoarthritis (OA) by applying Big Data Analytics
Research and Innovation Actions | 25/06/2024 |
10/10/2024 |
HORIZON-JU-IHI-2024-08-01-two-stage |
A city-based approach to reducing cardiovascular mortality in Europe
Research and Innovation Actions | 25/06/2024 |
10/10/2024 |
HORIZON-JU-IHI-2024-08-03-two-stage |
Modelling regulatory sandbox mechanisms and enabling their deployment to support breakthrough innovation
Research and Innovation Actions | 25/06/2024 |
10/10/2024 |
HORIZON-JU-IHI-2024-08-04-two-stage |
Patient-Centred Clinical-Study Endpoints Derived Using Digital Health Technologies
Research and Innovation Actions | 25/06/2024 |
10/10/2024 |
HORIZON-HLTH-2024-CARE-14-01 |
Pre-commercial procurement for environmentally sustainable, climate neutral and circular health and care systems
Pre-commercial procurement for environmentally sustainable, climate neutral and circular health and care systems | 25/04/2024 |
26/11/2024 |
European partnership for pandemic preparedness
European partnership for pandemic preparedness | 25/04/2024 |
26/11/2024 |
Implementation research for management of multiple long-term conditions in the context of non-communicable diseases (Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases - GACD)
Research and Innovation Actions | 25/04/2024 |
26/11/2024 |
Prochains appels
Pas de résultats pour le moment.
Partenariats du Cluster 1
Plus d’informations sur les partenariats dans le domaine de la santé
Le F.R.S.-FNRS participe aux partenariats suivants :
- Retrouvez les opportunités de financement offertes par le F.R.S.-FNRS dans le cadre de ces partenariats (à travers les projets multilatéraux de recherche – PINT-MULTI) via le calendrier des appels du F.R.S.-FNRS